Friday, October 23, 2009

Our Greatest Joy Was Having You

Baby Tyler,

Mommy misses you so very much! I wish I could kiss your sweet forehead and watch you as you sleep. Now, I know that you kiss my forehead and watch me sleep at night. Mommy is trying not to be so sad but I miss my baby boy so much. People tell me it will get better, but I know I will always miss my sweet baby boy. I can't wait till I get to hold you in heaven.

I love you forever.
I like you for always.
Forever and always, my baby you'll be.

Grandma came to visit you today. She said that your sunflowers are so bright. Mommy knew that you were a sunflower baby. It's amazing cause I see sunflowers on the side of the road and it makes me smile to think of you in heaven. You are such a beautiful baby boy! You bring mommy and daddy so much joy, we just wish we could see you laugh and smile. I know that you are smiling in heaven.

Macy misses her bubba very much. She often lays on my tummy and I know she is thinking of you. Daddy took her for a walk today and she was very excited. Hopefully mommy won't be sick for very much longer and she can take Macy to visit the dog park.

Tyler, you'll always be our special baby boy and mommy can't wait to be with you in heaven one day. I know you'll run into my arms and whisper mommy into my ear. I wish you could be here with Daddy, Macy, and me but God had other plans for our baby boy.

I keep looking at your pictures and wishing I could hold you again. I know that day will come but it won't be soon enough. I love you, Tyler and you'll always be mommy's sweet angel baby boy.

Until we meet in heaven. Love always, your Mommy.

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